
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to regulate and balance the flow of Vital Energy or Qi (Chi, Ki) along pathways in the body known as ‘meridians’. It is one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world. It has been practiced in China for at least 2.500 years. There are also long established acupuncture traditions in other countries such as Japan and Korea. Today it is popular worldwide.

In modern medical and scientific terminology Qi is analogous to bio-electricity which occurs within all living cells and is the basis for all essential bodily functions such as conduction of motor, autonomic, or sensory messages along the nerves; muscle contraction; and brain function. Research has shown acupuncture has many positive effects on the on bio-chemical balance in our bodies. It promotes the release of endorphins which help relieve pain and increase blood flow to the muscles and internal organs. It quietens the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system and promotes parasympathetic function (PNS) When the PNS is stimulated our bodies are in a ‘calm and healing mode’ and restorative functions can operate more effectively.

Clients attend acupuncture for treatment and support with a wide variety of conditions including joint pain, back pain, arthritis, sciatica, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, fatigue, hay fever and allergies, hot flushes (hormonal and side effects from medication)… to name but a few! Acupuncture can support and promote recovery after injuries, illness and surgical procedures. Many people find regular acupuncture treatments help them maintain optimum health and wellbeing. In traditional acupuncture practice there is no mind-body separation. The physical, mental and emotional/spiritual aspects of life are seen as interdependent, and understanding the relationship between them is central to making a diagnosis and treatment plan. The focus is on the whole individual rather than a particular sign or symptom in isolation.  

Electroacupuncture involves micro-electrical current being passed between pairs of acupuncture needles, using a small 9 volt device and leads clipped onto the needles. Frequency and intensity of the impulses delivered are adjustable according to treatment need. It is normal to feel some gentle tingling or vibration during treatment but this should never be uncomfortable. Electroacupuncture is often used in the treatment of pain and chronic muscular skeletal conditions.

Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture. In traditional Chinese and East Asian Medicine, the ear is seen as a microsystem representing the entire body. Auricular acupuncture may be used for a wide variety of conditions, such as stress, anxiety, pain management and as support in addition to required medical supervision for withdrawal from alcohol, recreational or prescription drugs. Extremely fine needles are inserted into points on the ear. ‘Ear-seeds’ are also often used. These are traditionally small seeds from the Vaccaria plant, but they are also be made from different types of metal or ceramic. Ear-seeds do not puncture the surface of the skin, they are held in place over auricular points by a small piece of adhesive tape, or plaster. Applying these small and barely noticeable ear-seeds allows clients massage of the auricular points for additional support and can prolong the effects of acupuncture treatment. Auricular acupuncture can be used in conjunction with traditional body acupuncture.

photo credit Acupuncture Box Pixabay


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